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Les synthèses Agro-Bio vous renseignent en profondeur sur une foule de sujets et de techniques se rapportant à l'agriculture biologique. Elles ont été écrites par l'agronome Jean Duval qui a parcouru la littérature scientifique et populaire et contacté des personnes-ressources à la quête d'informations pertinentes.
1. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS AND THE SOIL. S.B. Hill, 1978. Pp. 18-53 in Chemicals and Agriculture: Problems and Alternatives. Canadian Plains Proceedings 5. Univ. Regina, SK. Using diagrams, shows how "chemicals" affect beneficial soil organisms and suggests alternatives. ($3.80)
2. AGRICULTURE, ECOLOGY AND OVERCONSUMPTION. S.B. Hill, 1978. Paper presented at the Nutrition of the 1980's Symposium, Montreal. 22pp. Uses the poor quality of the North American diet as a focal point for a discussion of problems inherent in the food systems of industrialized countries. 57 refs. ($2.60)
3. CONTROLLING PESTS ECOLOGICALLY. S.B. Hill, 1984. Soil. Assoc. Quart. Rev., March 1984 : 13-15. First clear description of what the ecological approach really involves. Contrasts chemical and integrated pest management, biological control, and agro-ecosystem design approaches. ($1.00)
3F. LUTTE ECOLOGIQUE CONTRE LES RAVAGEURS: S'ATTAQUER AUX CAUSES. La première description compréhensible de l'approche écologique. Examen des solutions chimiques et de leurs problèmes, gestion intégrée des organismes nuisibles, contrôle biologique, et planification d'un agroécosystème. ($1.00)
4. DIATOMACEOUS EARTH: A NON-TOXIC PESTICIDE. S.B. Hill, 1986. Macdonald J. 47(2) 14, 42. A concise summary of the history and use of D.E. ($1.00)
4F LA TERRE DIATOMÉE: UN PESTICIDE NON TOXIQUE. Un bref résumé de l'histoire de la t.d. et de son utilisation. ($1.00)
5. DIVERSIFICATION AND AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY. S.B. Hill, 1987. Pp. 89-106 in David Vail, ed., Sunrise Agriculture in the Northeast: Foundations of a Sustainable Agriculture for the Twenty-first Century; Proc. Int. Conf. Misc. Publ. 694, Maine Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. Maine, Orono, ME. Examines the ecological and psychological aspects of diversification, the driving and restraining forces, and includes the results of a brainstorming session on the subject. 27 refs. ($2.00)
6. EARTHWORMS, THE AGRICULTURALIST'S FRIENDS. J.A. Ramsay and S.B. Hill, 1978. Macdonald J. 39(10):6-8. Covers the biology and uses of earthworms, with particular reference to the maintenance of soil fertility. 16 refs. ($1.00)
7. ECO-PHILOSOPHY: DESIGNING NEW TACTICS FOR LIVING. Henryk Skolimowski, 1981. Marion Boyars Publ., Salem, NH. 117 pp. A summary by S.B. Hill, 1983. 9 pp. An alternative philosophy that emphasizes evolution of consciousness and commitment to the planet. Calls for the re-integration of knowledge and values. Uses architecture to illustrate its application. ($1.80)
8. ECOLOGY. S.B. Hill, 1981. Pp. 95-110 in Food from Land. Publ. 5129, Agric. Can., Ottawa. Presentation to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Ottawa. Explains importance of using the principles of ecology in designing ecologically sound, nourishing food systems. 15 refs. ($1.60)
8F. ECOLOGIE. in De la terre à la table. Présentation au Comité parliementaire et scientifique, Ottawa. Explique les principes écologiques sur lesquels un système agro-alimentaire écologique serait fondé. ($1.60)
9. ECOLOGY, ETHICS AND FEELINGS. S.B. Hill, 1979. Pp. 593-607 in The Re-evaluation of Existing Values and the Search for Absolute Values. 7th Int. Conf. on the Unity of the Sciences, New York. Resolution of psychological "problems," which all are presumed to have, is presented as the fundamental long-term solution to our environmental problems. "Powerful" political and technological solutions (controls) are seen as compensatory for the widespread lack of an individual sense of power. 25 refs. ($1.60)
S.B. Hill, 1978. Pp. 170-183 in J.M. Besson and H. Vogtman, eds., Towards a Sustainable Agriculture. Verlag Wirz, Aarau, Switzerland. Examines goals and priorities of food policy, using energy as a focal point (with Canadian examples). 24 refs. ($5.00)11. ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE FOOD AND AGRICULTURE. S.B. Hill, 1990. Pp. 22-28 in Visions 2020, Food and Agriculture, Toronto, ON. Discusses key food and agriculture issues, outlining a vision of sustainable agriculture, barriers to change, ways of overcoming the barriers, and how individuals can facilitate change. ($1.00)
12. A GLOBAL FOOD AND AGRICULTURE POLICY FOR WESTERN COUNTRIES: LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS. S.B. Hill, 1982. Nutr. Health 1(2):108-117. Nourishment, fulfillment and sustainability are promoted as rational food system goals. A comprehensive approach to implementation of these ideas is given. 2 refs. ($1.00)
12F. POLITIQUE GLOBALE D'ALIMENTATION ET D'AGRICULTURE POUR LES PAYS OCCIDENTAUX: établissement des bases. Nourriture, contentement et viabilité sont présentés comme les objectifs d'un système rationnel alimentaire. Une approche détaillée quant à la réalisation de ces idées est présentée. 2 refs. ($1.20)
13. GURDJIEFF'S SYSTEM OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: "THE WORK" (a summary of "Basic Self-Knowledge" by Harry Benjamin, M.D., 1971; Weiser, New York; 167 pp.). S.B. Hill, 1981. 9 pp. A concise summary of Gurdjieff's approach to personal development; includes a comparison with the approach of Krishnamurti. 16 refs. ($1.00)
14. ECOVALUES, ECOVISION, ECOACTION: THE HEALING AND EVOLUTION OF PERSON AND PLANET. S.B. Hill, 1991. Pp. 1019-1033 in Absolute Values and the Reassessment of the Contemporary World, Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, Los Angeles,1988. Information from ecology and psychology is used as a basis for the establishment of an eco-philosophy and sustainable lifestyle. 3 refs. ($1.60)
15. THE HUMAN SIDE OF HUMAN BEINGS, 3rd ed. Harvey Jackins, 1978. Rational Is. Publ., Seattle, WA. 106 pp. A summary by S.B. Hill, 1983. 7 pp. Concise description of the basic theory and methods used in Re-evaluation Co-Counseling, a grass-roots approach to human development, leading to greater awareness, creativity, intelligence, joy and zest. Essential reading for those seriously committed to creating a sustainable lifestyle. ($1.40)
16. AN INTRODUCTION TO SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE. Ecological Agriculture Projects, 1989. AgriScience, Sept. 1989, 3-5. Summarizes key agronomic and economic aspects, noting the role of organic food certification in the transition. ($1.00)
17. LESSONS FROM STUDYING A TROPICAL ISLAND. S.B. Hill, 1982. Macdonald J. 43(6):31,40. Application of ecological principles to agricultural development on a coralline island in the Seychelles. ($1.00)
18. LIMITATIONS OF THE ENERGY APPROACH IN DEFINING PRIORITIES IN AGRICULTURE. S.B. Hill and J.A. Ramsay, 1977. Pp. 713-731 in W. Lockeretz, ed., Agriculture and Energy. Academic, New York. Examines the contribution that energy studies have made to our understanding of the food system and considers some of their shortcomings. Discusses basic laws on which the food system depends and their implications. 71 refs. ($2.00)
19. MONOTONOUS LIFESTYLES AND THEIR EFFECTS ON HEALTH: A PROPOSAL FOR RESEARCH ON NUTRITIONAL INDIVIDUALITY. D. Mitchell and S.B. Hill, 1975. 6 pp. Examines the widespread occurrence of allergies to foods and chemicals, and their role in many physical and mental disorders. 78 refs. ($1.20)
19F. LA VIE ROUTINIERE ET SON INFLUENCE SUR LA SANTE: PROPOSITION POUR DES RECHERCHES SUR L'ALIMENTATION INDIVIDUELLE. Texte sur les allergies aux aliments et leur rôle dans plusieurs maladies physiques et mentales. 78 refs. ($1.20)
20. OBSERVING STRESSED AND UNSTRESSED ECOSYSTEMS AND HUMAN SYSTEMS: MEANS FOR RECOVERY AND VALUE IDENTIFICATION. S.B. Hill, 1980. Pp. 1121-1141 in 9th Int. Conf. on the Unity of the Sciences., Fl. Compares effects of stress on the environment and humans. Lists characteristics of a sustainable, fulfilling lifestyle. Argues that recovery from stress is necessary to develop the values on which a sustainable lifestyle can be built. 82 refs. ($2.20)
21. THE PESTICIDE DEBATE: AN ENVIRONMENTALIST'S VIEW. S.B. Hill, 1983. Agrologist 12(1):19-20. Essential information for environmentalists and pesticide users. Seven inherent problems of pesticides are detailed. Psychological forces that may be influencing pesticide promoters and opposers are also examined. ($1.00)
22. PREVENTATIVE PEST CONTROL. S.B. Hill, 1985. A talk presented to the Biological Control Institute, Beijing, China, 1985. Describes preventative Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approaches to pest control in terms of transdisciplinary thinking and the redesign of whole ecological sysems. 8 pp. 7 refs. ($1.60)
23. REDESIGNING THE FOOD SYSTEM FOR SUSTAINABILITY. S.B. Hill, 1984. Based on a talk presented at The Right to Food Conference, Montreal, 1984. Describes characteristics of sustainable food system; includes interesting results of brainstorming session with audience on driving and restraining forces influencing implementation. 19 refs. ($1.00)
24. SOIL CONSERVATION, ORGANIC MATTER AND SOIL LIFE. Proceedings of the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Montreal, 1984. 6 pp. Invited presentation to the Senate Committee on soil degradation in Canada. Surveys main groups of organisms occurring in soil, notes their importance and implications for soil management. ($1.20)
24F. CONSERVATION DU SOL, MATIERE ORGANIQUE ET LA VIE DU SOL. Déliberations du comité sénatorial permanent de l'Agriculture, des pêches et des forêts. Présentation demandée par lecomité sénatorial sur la dégradation du sol au Canada. Donne une vue générale des groupes principaux d'organismes qui se trouvent dans le sol et note leurmportance et leurimplication dans la gestion du sol. ($1.20)
25. SOIL FAUNA AND AGRICULTURE: PAST FINDINGS AND FUTURE PRIORITIES. S.B. Hill, 1985. Quaest. Ent. 21:637-644. Summarizes general findings concerning pests, beneficial soil animals and effects of agricultural practices. Examines use of indicator species and argues for a sustainable agriculture. 39 refs. ($1.60)
26. SOIL, FOOD, HEALTH AND VALUES. S.B. Hill, 1988. Humanist in Canada No. 84 (21)1:2-6. From a talk to Humanist Assoc./AHA Conference in Montreal June 27, 1987. Central concepts in sustainable agriculture are examined; examples of ecological approaches to the design and management of sustainable and nourishing food systems are provided. ($1.00)
27. STUART HILL CALLS IT ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE; THE PETRO-CHEMICAL TRUST CALLS IT PREPOSTEROUS. A.B. Stone, 1976. Harrowsmith 1(2):47-49, 60-61. An interview in which Stuart Hill explains his interest in ecological agriculture, and discusses a variety of food issues. ($1.00)
28. SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: DRIVING AND RESTRAINING FORCES IN THE FOOD SYSTEM. S.B. Hill, 1986. Regional Priorities 1(2):2-6. A submission to the World Commission on Environment and Development, outlining the process of change at three levels: human-psychosocial, agroecosystem-design and management, and problem solving-preventive. ($1.00)
29. TOWARDS AN ALTERNATIVE AGRICULTURE. S.B. Hill, 1977. Pp. 9-23 in Small Scale Intensive Food Production: Improving the Nutrition of the Most Economically Disadvantaged Families. 175 pp. L.I.F.E., Washington, DC. Edited transcript of a talk on an ecological approach to small farm management emphasizing basic principles. 48 refs. ($2.80)
29F. VERS UNE AGRICULTURE ALTERNATIVE. Le texte d'une causerie sur les pratiques agricoles écologiques appropriées aux petites fermes. ($3.00)
30. THE WORLD FOOD CRISIS. S.B. Hill, 1984. Probe Post 7(1):34. An alternative view that emphasizes contributions every individual can make towards solving the world food problem. ($1.00)
30F. CHACUN D'ENTRE NOUS PEUT AIDER A RESOUDRE LE PROBLEME DE LA FAIM DANS LE MONDE. S.B. Hill, 1983. Comité pour la justice sociale de Montréal, News Notes, mai, 1983, pp. 2-4. Une vue différente qui insiste sur ce que chaque individu peut faire pour résoudre le problème. ($1.00)
31.THE WORLD UNDER OUR FEET. S.B. Hill, 1989. Seasons, Winter, 1989, 15-19. A popular introduction to soil life; a soil ecologist takes us underground to meet the curious creatures that make their home in the soil. Illustrations include a chart showing the soil animals involved in the compost pile. ($1.00)
31F. LA VIE SOUS LA TERRE : UNE EQUIPE QUI TRAVAILLE POUR NOUS. Une introduction à la vie du sol; un écologiste vous fait découvrir les créatures qui habitent le sol. Illustrations des animaux du sol présents dans un tas de compost. ($1.00)
32. PEST CONTROL IN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE. S.B. Hill, 1990. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Ont. 121:5-12. Text of invited talk with five figures and tables. Stresses need to take a preventative vs a curative approach. 1 ref. ($1.00)
33. DEVELOPING SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE EDUCATION IN CANADA. S.B. Hill and R.J. MacRae, 1988. Agric. Hum. Val., 5(4):92-95. Describes the McGill course in Ecological Agriculture and its development. ($1.00)
34. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AND THE REDESIGN OF AGROECOSYSTEMS. S.B. Hill, 1992. 10pp. Paper presented at the International Conference on Sustainability of Egyptian Agriculture in the 1990's and Beyond, held in Alexandria, May 15-19, 1992. 44 refs. ($2.00)
35. NUTRITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ORGANIC, FRESHLY STONE-GROUND, SOURDOUGH AND CONVENTIONAL BREADS. J. Campbell, M. Hauser, and S.B. Hill. 1991. 16 pp. Review of the factors affecting the nutritional qualities of breads. Focuses on nutritional differences between conventional commercial breads and those produced organically, with freshly stone-ground flour, or with sourdough. 136 refs. ($3.20)
36. ETHICS, SUSTAINABILITY AND HEALING. S.B. Hill, 1992. 17 pp. Presentation to a workshop organized by the Alberta Round Table on Environment and Economy and the Alberta Environmental Network. ($1.80)
37. COMPETING "GREEN". S.B. Hill and J. Henning, 1992. 3 pp. Long-term competitiveness and sustainable development are not mutually exclusive concepts for businesses wishing to succeed in a global economy. 11 refs. ($1.00)
37F. LA COMPETITIVITE VERTE. S.B. Hill and J. Henning, 1992. 3 pp. La notion de la compétitivité de longue durée n'exclut pas celle du développement durable pour l'entreprise désireuse de prospérer dans une économie mondialisée. 11 refs. ($1.00)
38. COMPARISON OF FOOD QUALITY OF ORGANICALLY GROWN VERSUS CONVENTIONALLY GROWN PLANT FOODS. Tina Finesilver, T. Johns and S.B. Hill, 1989. 45 pp. Report based on a review of literature on the comparative quality of organically grown versus conventionally grown food . 85 refs. ($4.00)
39. MIND YOUR MITES. S.B. Hill, 1995. New Farm (January 1995):48-47. Discusses their essential function in soil life . ($1.00)
51. THE BASICS OF GREEN MANURING. P. Warman, 1981. Macdonald J. 40(1):3-6. Basic principles with useful table of green manure crops with notes on appropriate soil type, climate, method of cultivation and use for each. 8 refs. ($1.00)
51F. PRINCIPES FONDAMENTAUX DE LA CULTURE D'ENGRAIS VERT. P. Warman, 1981. Les principes fondamentaux et un très bon résumé des cultures utilisées comme engrais vert avec leurs besoins culturaux. 8 refs. ($1.00)
52. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL METHODS FOR PESTS IN COMMERCIAL GREENHOUSES. Linda A. Gilkeson, 1984. Presented at a symposium on Perspectives of Development of the Greenhouse Industry in Québec. Laval Univ., Ste-Foy, Qc. 11 pp. Notes on common pests and their biological controls, with practical suggestions for planning a release schedule; includes addresses of Canadian suppliers. 13 refs. ($1.20)
53. A GUIDE TO THE BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF GREENHOUSE APHIDS. L. Gilkeson and M. Klein, 1981. Ark Project, Charlottetown, PEI. 25 pp. Practical approach; notes on major predators and parasites, with instructions on how to collect and use them; 16 figures. 6 refs. ($5.00)
54. HORTICULTURAL MANAGEMENT OF SOLAR GREENHOUSES IN THE NORTHEAST. M. Klein, 1980. The Memphremagog Group, Newport, VT. 95 pp. Good introductory guide drawing on the experience of the author and 20 solar greenhouse growers in N.E. states. Includes tips on design and detailed notes on organization, heat storage, plant varieties, soil management and pest control. 21 refs. ($10.00)
55. COMPANION PLANTS. S.B. Hill, 1975. Macdonald J. 36(3):3-7. Explains the different types of interaction between plants and how they can be used to enhance productivity and quality of garden crops, and prevent pest attack. Tables of the major companion flowers, herbs and vegetables are given. 9 refs. ($1.00)
55F. DES PLANTES QUI FONT BON MENAGE. Explique les différentes interactions entre les plantes, comment les utiliser pour améliorer la productivité et la qualité des légumes. Tableaux des plantes compagnes les plus importantes. ($1.00)
56. COMPOSTING: WHY COMPOST? HOW TO COMPOST? 1981. 3 pp. Practical fact sheet on how to make and use compost. Includes tips on materials, containers and pile design. ($1.00)
56F. LE COMPOST: POURQUOI COMPOSTER? COMMENT FAIRE? Contient des renseignements sur la fabrication du compost: les matériaux à utiliser, les contenants et la forme du tas de compost. ($1.00)
57. COMPOSTING FOR FARM AND GARDEN. Part 1: The Whys and Wherefores; Part 2: How to do it. S.B. Hill, 1975. Macdonald J. 36(11):6-11,10. Discusses the role of composting in recycling of organic wastes and maintenance of soil fertility. Covers basic principles and methods. 18 refs. ($1.20)
57F. COMPOSTAGE POUR LES EXPLOITATIONS AGRICOLES ET LES JARDINS POTAGERS. Partie 1: Le pourquoi et le comment; Partie 2: Comment préparer le compost. Discute du rôle du compostage dans le recyclage des déchets organiques et le maintien de la fertilité du sol. Traite des méthodes et principes de base. ($1.00)
58. CULTURAL METHODS OF PEST, PRIMARILY INSECT, CONTROL. S.B. Hill, 1989. 12 pp. A concise description of the 19 main methods, with examples and strategies for their implementation. Includes a practical table giving practices used in the Mountain School orchard in Vermont. ($2.40)
59. COMMON GARDEN PESTS: NATURAL CONTROLS. 1980-1990. Set of 13 fact sheets, covering life cycle, description of pest, drawings of each stage, description of damage and safe control methods. ($2.60)
59F. INSECTES NUISIBLES DU JARDIN: CONTROLES NATURELS.1980-1990. Série de 13 feuillets, incluant une description de l'insecte, son cycle de vie, avec dessins de tous les stades, description des dommages et methodes de contrôle. ($2.60)
60. CONTROLLING THE PLUM CURCULIO, THE HUNCHBACK OF THE APPLE ORCHARD. 4 pp. S.B. Hill, 1989. A popular summary of 12 years of research, with suggestions for preventing and controlling this pest in ecologically sound ways. Includes illustration of plum and apple curculio. ($1.00)
60F. LE CHARANCON DE LA PRUNE: ALTERNATIVES AUX INSECTICIDES. Un résumé populaire de 12 ans de recherche avec des suggestions pour la prévention et la lutte biologique de ce ravageur. ($1.00)
61. ECOLOGICAL GARDEN SUPPLIES: PESTICIDES, FERTILIZERS. EAP, 1988. 5 pp. Descriptions and addresses for supplies of least toxic pesticides, natural mineral and organic fertilizers, and biological control agents. ($1.00)
61F. LES ATOUTS DU JARDINIER ECOLOGIQUE. Contient des renseignements sur les pesticides et les engrais biologiques: une liste des pesticides non-toxiques ou à toxicité minimale, d'engrais minéraux naturels et biologiques. ($1.00)
62. HOME & FAMILY GUIDE: Practical Action for the Environment. The Harmony Foundation of Canada, 1989. 80 pp. Gives clear, practical information on how to tackle environmental issues in your day-to-day life. Summarizes environmental concerns regarding energy, hazardous products, waste and water, and gives practical tips for choosing products and practices for home, lawn, garden, pets, etc.; dozens of references, contacts, sources of info and tips. ($7.50)
62F. GUIDE POUR LA FAMILLE ET LA MAISON: La protection de l'environnement au quotidien. La Fondation Harmonie du Canada, 1989. 80pp. Indique comment on peut s'attaquer aux problèmes écologiques en vaquant à nos activités quotidiennes. Couvre l'énergie, les produits dangereux, déchets et l'eau, et fournit des conseils pratiques, des idées de produits et indique des trucs à appliquer à la maison, au jardin et aux animaux; références, contacts, sources. ($7.50)
63F. LA MATIERE ORGANIQUE ET SES DECOMPOSEURS: L'EQUIPE PAR EXCELLENCE EN JARDINAGE. Ann-Renée Larouche, 1983. 7 pp. Vous donne une connaissance générale sur la matière organique et l es organismes décomposeurs vous aidant ainsi à améliorer les caractéristiques de votre sol. ($1.40)
64. MULCHING: WHY MULCH? WHAT TO USE? 1981. 2 pp. Advantages of mulching and materials to use. ($1.00)
64F. LE PAILLAGE: POURQUOI UTILISER DES PAILLIS? QUOI UTILISER? 1981. 3 pp. Les avantages du paillage et les matériaux à utiliser. ($1.00)
65. AN ORGANIC GARDEN. Ecological Agriculture Projects, 1989. 16 pp. A practical guide to gardening without the use of harmful chemicals. Includes a garden plan and sections on vegetables, cold frames, pest control, soil management and lawn care, plus a reading list. ($3.20)
65F. UN JARDIN BIOLOGIQUE. Projet pour agriculture ecologique, 1989. 16 pp. Un guide pratique du jardinage sans l'usage de substances toxiques. Contient un plan de jardin et des sections traitant des légumes, du contrôle des insectes, des couches froides, du travail du sol et de l'entretien des pelouses. ($3.20)
66. RESPONSIBLE PEST CONTROL IN GARDENS AND HOMES. S.B. Hill, 1986. 2 pages. Basic information on pests, pesticides and alternatives for the home owner with practical and safe suggestions for pest prevention and control. ($1.00)
66F. CONTROLE DES ORGANISMES NUISIBLES AU FOYER ET AU JARDIN. S.B. Hill, 1986. 2pp. Information de base sur les organismes nuisibles, les pesticides et leurs alternatives pour la maison. Des suggestions sans risques et pratiques pour la prévention et le contrôle des organismes nuisibles. ($1.00)
67. WEEDS AS INDICATORS OF SOIL CONDITIONS. S.B. Hill and J. Ramsay, 1977. Macdonald J. 38(6):8-12. Reviews beneficial role of weeds in agro-ecosystems and discusses their value as indicators of soil conditions. Tabulates these relationships for common Québec weeds. 20 refs. ($1.00)
68. ECOLOGICAL LAWN MAINTENANCE. S.B. Hill and B. Walsh. 1992. Summarizes the basics of an ecologically sound lawn care strategy. ($1.00)
69. TREATING MASTITIS WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS. J. Duval. 1997. Describes factors contributing to mastitis, diagnosis, and preventive & curative measures (including homeopathic remedies). Tables. 55 refs. & useful addresses. ($7.95)
70. THE CONTROL OF INTERNAL PARASITES IN CATTLE AND SHEEP. J. Duval. 1997. Includes information on characteristics of internal parasites, detection, prevention, control methods including botanical and other dewormers. 44 refs. & useful addresses. ($7.95)
71. COVER CROPPING IN POTATO PRODUCTION. J. Duval. 1997. Describes different scenarios for a two-year rotation with potatoes and cover crops including legumes, cereals, grasses, crucifers and other mixtures of cover crops in potato production. 4 refs. ($4.95)
72. MECHANICAL WEED CONTROL IN CEREALS. J. Duval. 1997. Contrasts the advantages and disadvantages of mechanical weeding versus herbicides as well as describes various types of mechanical weeders and weeding strategies. 4 refs. ($4.95)
73. PREVENTING LATE BLIGHT IN POTATOES. J. Duval 1998. A thorough review of the Late Blight Fungus and conditions which favour blight. Cultural controls including choice of cultivars, sanitary control, scouting & selective destruction, hilling, top killing, and the role of fertilizing and harvesting in the spread of the disease are examined. Includes recipes for bordeaux mixtures and compost tea. 7 refs. ($5.95)
82. COMPOSTING. 1976. 77 Refs. ($5.00)
86. ECOLOGICAL SOIL MANAGEMENT. 1977. 272 Refs. ($5.00)
88. SOIL CONDITIONS AND FOOD QUALITY. A bibliography of key literature up to 1991. 206 refs. ($5.00)
91. SEED SOURCES. 1988. 70 sources in Canada and U.S.A. ($5.00)
104A. ORGANIC FARMING IN CANADA. S.B. Hill and R.J. MacRae, 1992. Agric. Eco. Env., 39:71-84. Places organic agriculture in the sustainability spectrum and reviews its current status and prospects in Canada. 54 refs. ($1.40)
108. FARM-SCALE AGRONOMIC AND ECONOMIC CONVERSION FROM CONVENTIONAL TO SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE. R.J. MacRae, S.B. Hill, G.R. Mehuys, J. Henning. 1990. Adv. Agron. 155-198. Reviews strategies suggested by farmers and scientists for conversion to sustainable agriculture; discusses the long-term implications for the food system. 130 refs. ($4.60)
109. POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND REGULATIONS TO SUPPORT THE TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN CANADA. R.J. MacRae, S.B. Hill, J. Henning, and A.J. Bentley, 1990. Am. J. Alt. Agric. 5(2):76-92. Proposes a framework characterized in particular by the use of an efficiency/substitution redesign spectrum to categorize both sustainable farming systems and government activities. Implications and implementation of the redesign concept for food production, processing and distribution are outlined. 202 refs. ($3.40)
110. ECOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL PREREQUISITES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SUSTAINABLE PRAIRIE AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITIES. S.B. Hill, 1990. Pp 198-229 in Jerome Martin (ed). Alternative Futures for Prairie Agricultural Communities, Univ. Alberta, Edmonton. The personal and environmental realities that must be taken into account if we are serious about the transition to a sustainable agriculture. 57 refs. ($2.60)
111. STRATEGIES TO OVERCOME BARRIERS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN CANADA: THE ROLE OF AGRIBUSINESS. R.J. MacRae, J. Henning, and S.B. Hill, 1993. J. Agric. Env. Ethics, 6:21-51. Proposes a conceptual framework for the evaluation and development of strategies for involving agribusiness in the development of sustainable agricultural systems, then uses the framework to evaluate some potential strategies in a Canadian context. 167 refs. ($3.20)
112. HUNGRY FOR JUSTICE. The Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG), 1992. 102 pp. The Montreal guide to socially responsible food choices. ($6.00)
113. THOMAS' CARIBBEAN ALMANAC. Noel Thomas, 1990. 75pp. An almanac of factual information--tips on farming, health care and household hints for everyday use. ($5.00)
114. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE TRANSITION FROM CONVENTIONAL TO SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE. S.B. Hill, R.J. MacRae, 1995. J. Sust. Ag., 7: 81-87. A conceptual framework for assessing strategies to support the transition from conventional to sustainable agriculture is described, and examples from farming and institutional settings are provided. ($2.00)
201. LA CULTURE ÉCOLOGIQUE (pour petites et grandes surfaces). Yves Gagnon, 1990. 237 pp. Les Editions Colloidales, St-Didace, QC. Un livre pour producteurs agricoles, pour jardiniers et pour consommaters. Information pertinente sur les aliments et sur leur mode de production; information détaillée sur les lois du sol et sur les techniques inhérentes à la culture écologique. ($18.00)
202. ECOLOGICAL FRUIT PRODUCTION IN THE NORTH. Bart Hall-Beyer and Jean Richard, 1983. 262 pp. A practical guide to fruit production using environmentally acceptable methods written by two Québec nursery owners. ($25.00)
203. FRUITS ET PETITS FRUITS: PRODUCTION ÉCOLOGIQUE, 2e édition. Jean Richard, 1987. 327 pp. Editions Marcel Broquet, LaPrairie, QC. Guide pratique, abondamment illustré, qui vous conduira pas á pas vers la réalisation de vos projets en production écologique des fruits et petits fruits. ($25.00)
204. THE NEW ORGANIC GROWER, 2nd ed., rev. & exp. Eliot Coleman, 1995. 346 pp. Chelsea Green, Chelsea, VT. A manual of tools and techniques for the home and market gardener. The author has developed his own production techniques over decades of experimental practice. Sections on weeds, pests, marketing and livestock. ($30.00)
205. THE ORCHARD ALMANAC: A SEASONAL GUIDE TO HEALTHY FRUIT TREES, 3rd ed. Steve Page and Joe Smillie, 1995. 154 pp. agAccess, Davis, CA. A practical guide to designing an orchard management system: what to do and when, following a seasonal format. Planting and pruning tips, organic control of orchard pests, soil and foliar fertilization program, new varieties, and pest control. ($17.00)
206. ORGANIC FIELD CROP HANDBOOK. Canadian Organic Growers, 1992. 192 pp. A basic introduction to organic farming; provides practical "how-to"information for organic farmers and those in transition between conventional and organic practices. ($18.00)
207. ALTERNATIVE FUTURES FOR PRAIRIE AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITIES. J. Martin, ed.,1991. 316 pp U. Alberta Pr., Edmonton, Alta. Addresses the problems and potentials of the prairies as seen by scientists, writers, a farmer, a poet and a Native Canadian. ($20.00)
208. RUAB 2000: RÉFÉRENCES UTILES EN AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ET DURABLE. 4é édition. Centre d'agriculture biologique de La Pocatière (CAB), 2000. 159 pp. En trois parties: Réseau (associations, certification, formation, périodiques, services-conseils/conférénciers, etc), Fournisseurs (compost, lutte intégrée, semences, etc) et Marché (détaillants, distributeurs, fermes certifiées, transformateurs). ($12.00)
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