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5.1 At least the following criteria should be used for the purposes of amending the permitted substance lists referred to in Section 4. These
lists include products whose use is established in organic agriculture as well as new
products that have to meet this criteria. Each input is necessary/essential and should be
considered in the context in which the product will be used. Their use satisfies the
principles of organic production as outlined in these guidelines. Available alternatives,
including inputs which are already in use in organic production, should be evaluated:
(a) if they are used for fertilization, soil conditioning
- they are essential for obtaining or maintaining the fertility of
the soil or to fulfill specific nutrition requirements of crops, or specific
soil-conditioning and rotation purposes which cannot be satisfied by the practices
included in Annex l or other products included in Table l of Annex 2; and,
- the ingredients will bet of plant, animal, microbial, or mineral
origin and may undergo the following process: physical (eg. mechanical
thermal); enzymatic; microbial; and
- their use does not result in, or contribute to, unacceptable
effects on, or contamination of, the environment, including soil organisms; and
- their use has no unacceptable effect on the quality and safety of
the final product.
(b) if these substances are used for the purpose of plant disease
or pest and weed control
- they should be essential for the control of a harmful organism or
a particular disease for which other biological, physical, or plant breeding alternatives
and/or effective management practices are not available, and
- substances should be plant, animal, microbial. or mineral ordain
and may undergo the following processes: physical (eg. mechanical, thermal);
enzymatic; microbial (eg. composting, digestion);
- their use does not result in, or contribute to unacceptable
effects on or contamination of the environment.
- however, if they are nature identical products used in
traps and dispensers such as pheromones, which are chemically synthesized
they will be considered for addition to lists if the products are not available in
sufficient quantities in their natural form, provided that the conditions for their use do
not directly or indirectly result in the presence of residues of the product in the edible
(c) if they are used as additives or processing aids in the
preparation or preservation of the food--
- they are indispensable for ensuring the safety of the food, or
- they are essential to prepare or preserve such foods , and
- such substances are preferably as found in
nature and may have undergone preferably mechanical/physical
processes (eg extraction, precipitation), biologica/enzymatic processes (eg fermentation)
and microbial processes;
- however, if they are nature identical products which are
chemically synthesized and it is not possible to prepare or preserve such food products
without having recourse to such ingredients they will be considered for addition to the
lists if the ingredients are not available in sufficient quantities in their natural form.
- it is not possible to produce a similar product without
the use of additives or processing aids;
- the consumer will not be deceived, concerning the
nature, substance and quality of the food,
- the purpose is to maintain the nutritional value of the
product, to enhance the keeping quality or stability of the products, and to provide the
products with an acceptable composition, consistency and appearance;
- there is no detrimental affect on the environment.
5.2 Countries should develop a list of substances which satisfy the requirements of
these guidelines. Substances included in the list developed by a country but not yet
included in Annex 2 of these guidelines may be a part of the equivalence judgement and
decision referred to in section 7.4 of these guidelines. In doing
so developing national lists, countries may reduce the
list of substances indicated in the lists included in Annex 2. Countries may include in
their own lists substances other than those listed in Annex 2 only if:
- the criteria in 5.1 are used as a basis for these additions;
- they are notified in accordance with 5.3 and 5.4 below.
5.3 When a country proposes inclusion of a substance in Annex 2 it should submit the
following information:
- (a) a detailed description of the product and the conditions of its envisaged use;
- (b) any information to demonstrate that the requirements under Section 5.1 are
The open nature of the lists
5.4 Because of the primary purpose of providing a core
list of substances, the lists in Annex 2 are open and subject to the inclusion of
additional substances or the removal of existing ones on an ongoing basis. The procedure
for requesting amendments to the lists is set out under Section 8 of these Guidelines.
10 These criteria are recommended to governments
on a trial basis for a period of two years in order to achieve experience in line with
organic production principles at the national level.
Codex Alimentarius Working Group, May 27th, 1998. (Draft copy)
Important Note
Text that appears in bold and underlined letters
indicates new text relative to the last document of the "Codex Alimentarius Working
Text that appears in red italics letters
indicates eliminated text.
Text that appears in green will be discussed next year.
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