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By Elizabeth Irving
Reprinted with permission, Cognition Fall '94
Spinach, onions and lettuce,to name but a few fast-growing cold-tolerant veggies, overwinter nicely in covered cold frames and come to life and growth extra early in the spring.
Hubert Earl recommends a simple way to accomplish this. In his Eastern Ontario garden, he makes an early fall sowing or transplanting of hardy greens and onion sets into a cold frame (read: wooden box with no top or bottom) that is not too tall. Where possible, he situates the cold frame on a south-facing slope or on the south side of a building. Just before freeze-up, he covers the cold frame with some old windows and puts a few bales of hay or straw around it. "The sun starts beating on it in March, and we're eating from it before anything else is in the garden," says Hubert.
Copyright © 1994 Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.
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