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Significant References:

Agricultural Economics Research Council of Canada. (1972). Potentials of the organic food market and implications to Gaspé farmres. AERC, Ottawa.

Baseline Market Research. (1988). Organic agriculture study. Final Report, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa.

Canadian Organic Growers Inc. (1990). A study of potential market niches for Canadian organic producers. Prepared for Agriculture Canada, Ottawa.

Canadian Organic Unity Project. (1992). Draft National Standards for organic products. Available through Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, April.

Christianson, R. (1988). A marketing plan for a sustainable food system. In: J. Hartman (ed.) An Organic Food System for Canada: Canadian Organic Growers, Ottawa, pp. 7-17.

Forest, J.F. (1992) The Economics oc Conversion to Organic Agriculture: A Rotational Plan. Unpublished MSc Thesis, McGill University, Dept. of Agricultural Economics.

Garven, S. (1982). A study of the organic food industry and markets. In: A. Beveridge (ed.) Marketing Organic Foods. University of Regina Dept. of Extension, Regina, Saskatchewan.

C. Cramer, Organic Rulemakers Have to make Hay. The New Farmer (Nov/Dec 1992) V14:N7, .pp 2-4.

Green, C.O. (1990). A needs assessment study of the non-chemical crop production industry. Saskatchewan Dept. of Agriculture and Food, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Hanisch, S. (1989). The organic food market in Québec. Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Macdonald College, Ste-Anne de Bellevue, Quebec.

Hay, J. (1989) The Consumer's Perspective on Organic Foods. Food Market Commentary, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa. Vol 10, No. 4, Page 45-50.

Hébert, J. (1989). Etude de faisabilité. Féderation d'Agriculture Biologique, Longueuil, Quebec.

Henning, J., P. Thomassin, and L. Baker. (1990) Organic Farmers in Quebec: Results of a Survey. Department of Agricultural Economics, McGill University, Macdonald Campus, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec.

Kramer, D., A. Macey, E. White, R. Cope and J. Coulsen. (1992). Organic Field Crop Handbook. Canadian Organic Growers Inc., Ottawa. p.192

Kramer, D. (1989) Popular Organics: The Nuts and Bolts of Canada's Fastest-growing Food Industry. Harrowsmith mazagine, July. pages 32-43.

MacRae, R.J., S.B. Hill, G.R. Mehuys and John Henning. (1990). Farm-scale Agronomic and Economic Conversion from Conventional to Sustainable Agriculture." Advances in Agronomy, Vol.43: 155-198.

Ministère de l'Agriculture des Pècheries et de l'Alimentation. Plan D'interventions Intégré: Agriculture Biologique. MAPAQ, Québec, August (1989).

Molder, P.J., P.D. Negrave, and R.A. Schoney. (1991). A descriptive analysis of Saskatchewan organic producers. Paper presented at the Agricultural Institute of Canada National Conference, Fredericton, New Brusnwick, July.

Rusk, J. (1993). Green Loses Sheen as Shoppers Try to Stay Out of Red. Globe and Mail, Toronto, .pp 1, February 12.

Rutherford, A., M. Gimby, G. Smith, A. Mair, and E. Coxworth. (1992). Viability of organic farm practice: Second year annual report. Saskatchewan Research Council, Regina.

Science Council of Canada. (1986). A Growing Concern: Soil Degradation in Canada. Ottawa.

Science Council of Canada. (1991) Sustainable Agriculture: Some Policy Concerns. Committee on Sustainable Agriculture, Science Council of Canada, Ottawa, August 29.

Sellen, D., J.H. Tolman, D. McLeod, A. Weersink, and E. Yiridoe. (1993). The economics of organic and conventional horticulture production. Working Paper, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph.

Stonehouse, P., and M. Bohl. (1990). Land Degradation Issues in Canadian Agriculture. Canadian Public Policy, Vol.16:418-31.

Stonehouse, P. (1991). Economics of weed control in alternative farming systems. Proceedings of the 5th REAP Conference. Macdonald College, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, March 15.

Taillefer, D. (1989). Organic food supply and demand in the National Capital Region. Friends of the Earth, Ottawa.

Thériault, J.. (1988). La situation et le développement de l'agriculture écologique au Québec. Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pecheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec, Québec.

Thériault, J.. (1991). La mise en marché des produits biologiques au Québec. Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pecheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec, Québec, février.

Van Bers, C., and J.B. Robinson. (1993) Farming in 2031: A Scenario of Sustainable Agriculture in Canada. Working Paper.

Van Kooten, G.C., R.A. Schoney, and K.A. Hayward. (1986). An alternative approach to the evaluation of goal hierarchies among farmers. Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, 11:1:40-49.

Van Kooten, G.C., and G. Kennedy. (1990) An Economic Perspective on Sustainable Agriculture in Western Canada. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 38:741-56.

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