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Alternative-Sustainable Agriculture Related Links


  • Abstract Bulletin on Sustainable Agriculture (ABSTRECO) Current bibliography of articles, reports, books and other publications relevant to the broad field of sustainable agriculture
  • AgNIC (Agriculture Network Information Center) is a distributed network that provides access to agriculture-related information, subject area experts, and other resources.
  • Agri-Alternatives America's only magazine devoted solely to the emerging innovations and technologies in agriculture and farm management.
  • Agriculture Food and Human Values Society (AFHVS) is an organization of professionals dedicated to the study of values issues associated with the production, distribution and consumption of food, fiber and natural resources. AFHVS promotes open discussion of such questions as the sustainability of modern food production practices, the benefits and risks of biological technologies, and food security in developed and developing countries. A vital part of AFHVS's mission, Agriculture and Human Values aims to foster better understanding of the practical and ethical questions involved in alternative visions of agriculture and food systems.
  • Alternative Crop Publications from University of Florida Information about Alternative Crop production
  • Alternative Farming Systems Information Center AFSIC specializes in locating and accessing information related to alternative cropping systems including sustainable, organic, low-input, biodynamic, and regenerative agriculture. AFSIC also focuses on alternative crops, new uses for traditional crops, and crops grown for industrial production.
  • Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA) A national information centre operated by the non-profit National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) providing technical assistance to farmers, extension agents, market gardeners and agricultural rersearchers in  50 American states (see also: Internships, Apprenticeships, Sustainable Curricula, below).
  • Biodynamic Agriculture: Healing the Earth Methods of sustainable agriculture -- compost, manures, soil and plants are treated with specially fermented herbal preparations that enhance the earth's organic processes and produce healthy, poison-free foods
  • Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) CIAS is a small sustainable agriculture research center at the University of Wisconsin's College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, created in 1989 to build UW sustainable agriculture research programs that respond to farmer and citizen needs...and involve them in setting research agendas.
  • Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems (UNL) The overall goal of the Center is to enhance the capability of the University of Nebraska to design and evaluate sustainable production systems, and to incorporate this focus into current and future research, teaching, extension and international activities.
  • Farmers Working With Farmers Part of the The Conservation Council of New Brunswick website. The Council works to promote a more sustainable agriculture and food system that values the people who grow our food, the communities in which they live, and the natural processes that make agricultural production possible.
  • Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture A nonprofit, tax-exempt, membership research and education organization established in 1983 to encourage and facilitate the adoption of low-cost, resource-conserving, environmentally sound, and economically viable farming systems.
  • Internships, Apprenticeships, Sustainable Curricula The ATTRA resource list with 160 entries describing farms (written by the farmers themselves), training centers, and institutes offering internships and apprenticeships in organic farming and sustainable agriculture
  • Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture  The Leopold Center is located at Iowa State University and its objectives are to identify and reduce negative impacts of agriculture on natural resources and rural communities, to develop profitable farming systems that conserve natural resources and to work with ISU Extension and other groups to inform the public of new research findings
  • Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture  The purpose of MISA is to bring together the diverse interests of the agricultural community with interests from across the University community in a cooperative effort to develop and promote sustainable agriculture in Minnesota and beyond.
  • Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society The Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society promotes an agriculture that builds healthy land, people, communities and quality of life, for present and future generations.
  • Recent Papers on Sustainable Agriculture
  • Sustainable Farming Connection This site -- conceived and managed by former staff members of The New Farm magazine -- will help you tame costs, add value to what you sell and keep you informed of the latest news from the sustainable farming community.
  • Urban Agriculture Notes A non-profit society which promotes urban food production and environmental conservation from a small office in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia and from its demonstration food garden in nearby Kitsilano, a residential neighbourhood.
  • Wholistic Community Network (WCN) This site explores wholism's uses and benefits and provides information on a variety of wholistic themes and topics.

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