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1. Any substances used in an organic system for soil fertilization and conditioning, pest and disease control, for the health of livestock and quality of the animal products, or for preparation, preservation and storage of the food product should comply with the relevant national regulations.
2. Conditions for use of certain substances contained in the following lists may be specified by the certification body or authority, eg volume, frequency of application, specific purpose, etc.
3. Where substances are required for primary production they should be used with care and with the knowledge that even permitted substances may be subject to misuse and may alter the ecosystem of the soil or farm.
4. The following lists do not attempt to be all inclusive or exclusive, or a finite regulatory tool but rather provide advice to governments on internationally agreed inputs. A system of review criteria as detailed in Section 5 of these Guidelines for products to be considered by national governments should be the primary determinant for acceptability or rejection of substances.
5. The lists of ingredients and processing aids of non-agricultural origin included in Tables 5 and 6 take into account the expectations of consumers that processed products from organic production systems should be composed essentially of ingredients as they occur in nature.
Table 1. Substances for use in soil fertilizing and conditioning
Table 2. Substances for plant pest and disease control
Table 3. Substances for animal pest and disease control (to be developed) Table 4. Substances and methods permitted for pest control in storage and transport unitsCodex Alimentarius Working Group, May 27th, 1998. (Draft copy)
Important Note
Text that appears in bold and underlined letters indicates new text relative to the last document of the "Codex Alimentarius Working Group".
Text that appears in red italics letters indicates eliminated text.
Text that appears in green will be discussed next year.
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